October 4, 2017

       The October 2017 meeting was held Oct 4 at Kings in Miesville.

Members present were; Chet & Sandy, Diane & Ceasario, Dave W, Hud & Kate An

We discussed these events for 2018:

Waseca Sleigh & Cutter Parade. We have done this for a good number of years now and expect to be asked back. We will commit to doing it. This will be the second Saturday in February.

Kenyon Sleigh & Cutter Parade on the fourth Saturday in February. Fun event if you are interested in horses and rigs. We have been approached by them in the past but will not pursue it. Kate An & Hud will plan to ride in the parade again, though.

Hastings Rivertown Days Parade. We were approached this year to be in it but turned it down. It is the Saturday before Log House. It’s a long parade route and not many members are willing or able to walk the route. We now have the signs for the truck and have a small trailer available. If we had enough members committed to doing it we could pursue it. Kate An and Hud would be willing to ride horses in it. Again—this is the weekend before Log House so think it over carefully. We would have to decide early so Hud can order enough ammo to cover it.

Little Log House Antique Power Show. This will be July 28 & 29. We will do this again.

Lanesboro Buffalo Bill Days. We would be there Sunday August 5th. We will do this.

Horse and Mule Days in Forest city, Iowa August 25 & 26. This is 101 miles from Miesville. Dewey the blacksmith from Log House has asked us to perform at this event. He is a key member of the group that puts this event on. 2017 was the first year and attendance was light but they think we can help it grow. Dave went there to check it out on Saturday and Steve went on Sunday. The grounds are still being developed but Dave and Dewey discussed where we could be performing. Campsites are available and Dewey will put on a pig roast at his place just a few miles from the grounds. The current plan is to perform one day but that day has not been determined yet. This new venue will be good visibility for us and might attract some new members. We will commit to doing this event.

Other topics discussed included:

Ammo. The question was raised about loading our own ammo to save money. We have had this discussion in the past and have ruled it out each time. We have a good supplier who has been very reliable and this helps remove some liability from us. Per our request, Renegade is looking into a different powder that is less corrosive—Black MZ. For the most part we have gone away from crimped rounds, especially for the .45s due to safety reasons. These uncrimped rounds are reusable and Hud turned in 1000 rounds this year for $50 dollars credit. The Black MZ may cost a bit more but it may have advantages: less corrosive, less stink for indoor use but maybe enough smoke to be impressive. We used more than 300 rounds this year at Log House and almost the same at Lanesboro. We also want to make more of the shotgun rounds into feather rounds. They were a big hit at Lanesboro.

The Dale Jones traveling award. Last year’s recipient was Steve Lonn but he was unable to be at Log House to accept it so it was shipped to him. He was also not able to bring it back this year so it was shipped back. It has now been updated with a new plaque for this year’s recipient, “Cowboy Keith” Burand and it has been shipped to him. Hopefully we can have a little more fanfare in the future.

June 7, 2017
Little Log House

26565 Nicolai Ave
Cannon Falls,MN 55009
(507) 263-2398

Posse Members:          Gordy Hies
                                 Ken Cooksey
                                 Hud Heidlebaugh
                                 Dave Wenzel

Sheriff:                    Dave Wenzel
Deputy Sheriff:         TBD
Recorder:                 Hud Heidlebaugh
Safety Officer:          Hud Heidlebaugh

Cannon Old West Society
is a living history organization
formed of individuals to promote
a common interest in the
"OLD WEST" and is dedicated
to the safe enjoyment of
 reenactments of our 
Western Heritage.
Comments, questions or feedback can be directed to the
© 2003 Cannon Old West Society. All rights reserve